M4 - Vector Analysis
Vector Analysis Map This lab involved utilizing a variety of tools including utilizing new tools that I have not previously worked with: the buffer tool and the overlay tools. Working with these tools, I was able to produce a map that shows optimal campsites in Mississippi's De Soto National Forest. This was done utilizing a variety of queries (both attribute and location) that allowed me to create buffers around rivers and streets throughout the forest. I really enjoyed working with the queries and new geoprocessing tools, as they allowed me to utilize spatial data analysis to help answer a question. It is becoming more and more clear how GIS can be used in a variety of real-world applications, and applications like this could even be useful for one's own personal use if they ever wanted to go camping in a place like De Soto National Forest. Through creating the map, I also used a data layer that consisted of conservation areas around the forest (that contained plants and an...