M4 - Vector Analysis


Vector Analysis Map

This lab involved utilizing a variety of tools including utilizing new tools that I have not previously worked with: the buffer tool and the overlay tools. Working with these tools, I was able to produce a map that shows optimal campsites in Mississippi's De Soto National Forest. This was done utilizing a variety of queries (both attribute and location) that allowed me to create buffers around rivers and streets throughout the forest. I really enjoyed working with the queries and new geoprocessing tools, as they allowed me to utilize spatial data analysis to help answer a question. It is becoming more and more clear how GIS can be used in a variety of real-world applications, and applications like this could even be useful for one's own personal use if they ever wanted to go camping in a place like De Soto National Forest. Through creating the map, I also used a data layer that consisted of conservation areas around the forest (that contained plants and animals that are more susceptible to human impacts) and used an overlay tool of my choice to exclude these areas from the previously made buffer zones. Upon doing this, I used a tool to create multipart layers so that the layers could be used for analysis when constructing the final map.  For my final map, I chose to use a set of gradient colors to display the data, with the smaller optimal camping areas (those under or equal to ~155 hectares) in yellow, and the larger areas (those between 620 and 775 hectares) in a darker red. The color of the other optimal areas (in between) would vary based on the size of their respective areas. It is very interesting to me to see where the optimal camping zones (buffer zone unions) are located in relation to the roads and bodies of water throughout the park! I also created a useful inset map to show where De Soto National Forest is in the state of Mississippi. Overall, I really enjoyed this laboratory assignment and having the freedom to create my final map layout. I did run into some minor issues involving the legend and symbology of the buffer zones, but I mainly just needed to troubleshoot and play around with the symbology to make everything look presentable.