Introduction Post

My name is Marshall and I am pursuing my Masters in GIS Administration here at UWF. I also currently work full-time as a Clinical Pharmacy Technician for a Pharmacy Benefits Management company. 

However, my background and true passion lies in the Environmental Sciences. I am very passionate about our natural world and believe GIS is an amazing tool in understanding and protecting it. Thus, I decided to apply to and enroll in UWF's stellar GIS program, because of its comprehensive curriculum and flexible learning environment. I am excited to be enrolled in another fascinating course and to learn more about a field that is going to make such a great impact on our world. Upon attaining my graduate degree, I hope to gain employment within an organization that utilizes GIS mapping to highlight, analyze, and solve environmental issues.

More about me: I absolutely love spending my time outdoors whenever and wherever. Hiking kayaking, you name it. I also grew up in a suburb of Chicago and now reside in Orlando. While the pandemic has definitely taken a toll on the travel industry, I cannot wait to get back out there and start exploring more countries around our globe.

Here is my Story Map which showcases some of my favorite places around our planet: Story Map.