Module 2 - Debugging and Error Handling
This second laboratory assignment of the course focused on using debugging techniques to correct pre-written codes so that they would run properly. I was able to use critical thinking skills and the debugging skills on Spyder to resolve the errors placed throughout the codes. For the first two parts of this assignment, I found a wealth of syntax and small grammatical errors in the code that resulted in it not being able to run properly. I utilized the debugger and other helpful features offered by Spyder. The debugger can be used to help identify errors by running through code line-by-line, ensuring no errors are found and that all variables are being tracked. The debugger works by manually setting “breakpoints”, or places in the code that can serve as stopping grounds to make sure the code prior to it runs smoothly. Then, the debugger will go through each set of code between breakpoints, allowing one to check for/fix errors and keep track of variables to ensure the code runs prop...