M3 - Cartographic Design


Ward 7 Schools Mapped Utilizing Cartographic Design Principles
The emphasis of this week's module was on concepts that enhance maps, draw attention to important elements, and reduce clutter. Gestalt's principles of design encouraged me to create a piece that is easy on the eyes and has a clear, direct message. I utilized a white background for Ward 7 and a dark gray basemap with limited labels to bring the viewer's attention to Ward 7 and its content. The included inset map showcases where Ward 7 is within Washington DC and where DC is in relation to its neighboring states. I used white text on areas with dark background and black text on areas with light backgrounds, also including halos and text boxes to increase visibility. To ensure my map was balanced , I expanded the AOI (area of importance) to its greatest extent and placed the map components (such as legend and north arrow) around Ward 7. This way, I am utilizing as much of the page as possible while not distracting the viewer or covering Ward 7. I utilized varying colors and sizes for the different types of schools by using the "Unique Values" symbology option to help differentiate the schools based on what type they are. Overall, I learned many important lessons from this laboratory assignment and will certainly utilize what I have learned in future labs. I find that ensuring a map is not cluttered, emphasizing areas of importance, and producing an aesthetically pleasing work are what can ultimately set a map apart from the rest.