GIS 5007: Computer Cartography Introduction & Story Map

Computer Cartography Introduction

My name is Marshall and I am pursuing my Masters in GIS Administration here at UWF. I also currently work full-time as a Clinical Pharmacy Technician for a Pharmacy Benefits Management company. However, my background and true passion lies in the Environmental Sciences. After graduating with my undergraduate degree and seeing the sheer amount of job postings that prefer or require candidates to have GIS experience, I figured now would be a perfect time to go back to school and brush up on my GIS skills. Thus, I decided to apply to and enroll in UWF's stellar GIS program. I cannot wait for another interesting course and to learn more about a field that is going to make such a great impact on our world. Upon attaining my graduate degree, I hope to gain employment within an organization that utilizes GIS mapping to highlight, analyze, and solve environmental issues.

More about me: I absolutely love spending my time outdoors whenever and wherever. Beaching it, kayaking, you name it. I also grew up in a small cornfield town in Illinois and now live in Orlando. While the pandemic has definitely taken a toll on the travel industry, I cannot wait to get back out there and start exploring more countries around our globe. 

Here is my Story Map highlighting some of my previous travels and adventures: 

Marshall's Story Map