M1 - Visual Interpretation


Aerial Image Tone and Texture Identification

For the first part of this laboratory assignment, I identified and labeled areas of an aerial image. This involved the utilization of editing skills previously learned in the GIS program at UWF. I enjoy practicing my polygon creation techniques, and found the process as a whole to go by quicker with time. I created two separate feature classes that would include shapefiles of both textures and tones to hold the created polygons. I then used the calculate tool for the attribute tables of each to create names for the resulting tones and textures. I enjoyed using the labeling tool to label these polygons based on their names, and editing the symbology so that the labels would be easy to read and identify. I struggled at first with having the labels cover the areas in which they were representing, but I found that in the labeling tab, one is able to position them so that they lay on the outside of the created polygons. Ultimately, I really enjoyed this portion of the lab and had great fun in identifying the various tones and textures in the presented image.
Aerial Image Feature Identification

For the second portion of the laboratory assignment, I identified and labeled various features of a different aerial image. This portion was a bit more difficult, as I had to choose the features based on a variety of characteristics. Some of these characteristics include: the shadows the features produced indicating what the feature is, the pattern of the feature indicating what it is, the features around the identified feature indicating what it is, and the shape and size of the feature indicating what it is. I surely had to use my zooming skills to identify the features, but the resolution of the image was very poor, thus making it difficult to identify some of the features. I did, however, enjoy many aspects of this portion of the lab, such as utilizing my skills in editing points, and using characteristics of features to identify what they are.