M1 - Overview of ArcGIS

First Map Created Using ArcGIS Pro

I greatly enjoyed becoming better acquainted with ArcGIS Pro and being able to create my first map all on my own. It was quite exciting seeing how a few clicks could change the appearance of the map in its entirety. To produce the map above, I imported data including cities and countries and used symbology to enhance some of the features on the map. I chose a red gradient for the countries, as I felt it showed the contrast of them from one another and the ocean. I also lowered the size of the dots used to represent cities, as the initial size was too large and the cities would blur together and take up nearly the whole map. 

Some of the highlights I experienced while working on my first lab would include: learning how to navigate and utilize the files used to create the maps, playing with the various ArcGIS Pro features and figuring out my own mapping style, and taking much less time creating the map than I initially anticipated it would require. Overall, it was a quite easy and informative assignment. For the next lab assignment, I would like to better set-up my work station so I can spend less time navigating windows and files. This assignment taught me the importance of having a methodology to storing and accessing what I need to complete lab assignments in a more efficient, effective manner. Overall, I am very excited to see what other assignments this class has in store and for how much I will learn throughout the semester.